The Value of Enabling

The short of it By enabling others we can get to do more of what we value, and those that we enable are given a oppurtunity to grow. How enabling helps You lift motivation of those you enable, giving them autonomy, and a oppurtunity to master a new task You create time for yourself to work on tasks, giving yourself the oppurtunity to master tasks that are more purposeful to you In a team context you are building the overall capability of your team, leading to a great throughput In a business context, this will lead to greater client statisfaction, and more oppurtunites All of this will leading to a greater level of craftsmanship....

2 May, 2022 · 2 min · Hamish Norton

Team Member Indicators

The other day on the way to work I had an idea. Well two ideas from others and putting them together. Use a Rating (without the 7) Use the 1 to 10 rating scale, but you are not allowed to us the number 7....

7 October, 2020 · 2 min · Hamish Norton